I am still alive! It's been almost a week since I've posted, and not because I haven't had things to say, simply because life has been hectic and by the time I drop into bed at night, it's all I can do to see what my friends are up to on Facebook, post some comments and watch my soaps I DVR during the day. It probably wouldn't be wise for me to post this late at night anyway, as nothing would come out right. I'd probably start writing about Reva and Josh or something and totally lose you.
So what have I been up to? Lots of freelance work for Mrs. Kettlebell, a quick mini vaca with my sis and nephews at the lake at a luxury condo my uncle rented for the summer (fun!) and lots and lots of meetings at work. Oh, and planning for my upcoming weekend getaway to NYC!!!!
I'm also working on an inspiration board for a back-to-school party right now and hope to post that soon. My girlfriend Penelope works for this great party-planning site called MyPunchbowl.com and she gave me a great party idea - back to school!
I've been doing lots of house stuff too, scraping ceilings and peeling wallpaper - hate it - but my home is my castle and my castle will not have a popcorn ceiling. My husband is much more from the "pay someone to do it for you" philosophy, but my dad is a do-it-yourselfer and I get a really good feeling when I finally finish a project. I re-painted every room in my last house myself (even painted stripes in the bathroom) but it's much harder with a toddler.
I'm trying to get my current projects completed because I'm having a Cabi show next week at my house and don't think the half-scraped ceiling in the family room would really impress. But honestly, it's the only time I ever get motivated to finish things up. When we moved into our current house I scheduled a shower just two months after we moved so I would be motivated to finish all of the first rounds of projects - and I did - of course! :-)
So, off to NYC tomorrow. Hope to have some great stories and some great pics. My mother-in-law, sister-in-law and two nieces (16 and 21) are headed to the Big Apple until Monday (thanks for the trip mama!). See you then!
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