I'm a crazy person. At least, that's what I feel like some times. And it runs in my family. No, not really crazy (and don't take offense if you are one of me), but just clinically depressed and filled with anxiety. It's as if I don't have something to worry about in my head constantly, then I don't feel normal. Luckily, there's a pill for that. It's a bitter pill, one that I'll basically have to take the rest of my life, but I've slowly accepted that it's like any other disease, and just like diabetes or heart disease, that little pill is gonna make me better. But that little pill makes me gain weight, gives me the brain shivers when I miss it, and although I've tried to get off it multiple times, I just can't. So I guess that makes me an addict as well. But it's a pill that my grandparents and family didn't always have, and they suffer from it as well, so I should be thankful for this little red capsule of happiness...
My blog is all about how I juggle life, work, family and still get a little time to express my creativity and decorate my house. Here, I celebrate the south, my love of photography, the Tarheels and my Christian faith.